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Choosing Friends With a Positive Influence

Christians must be wise when choosing friends and relationships because the influence of the wrong crowd can lead us to places we don’t want to go. From casual acquaintances to our closest friends, the people in our lives affect where we go and impact who we become. But great relationships don’t just happen. To get the most out of them, we must be intentional.

In this message, Ed Young shows us God’s truth about selecting our friends. We discover the kind of friend we should look for and the kind of friend we should be. Because when it comes down to it, our lives are a reflection of who we surround ourselves with, who we choose.

A friendship is a foundational relationship in everyone’s natural domain. You could even call it forceful. The Bible says in Proverbs 27:19 (TLB) that “A mirror reflects a man’s face, but what he is really like is shown by the kind of friends he chooses.” Yet we have very little Christian training on choosing our friends.

How Do You Choose Good Friends?

Our Creator made us to want relationships. We were designed to relate to others. But God in His sovereignty gave us the freedom to choose our friends.

The church is the only place to meet the right kind of people, or the ‘they’ who will influence you in a positive way in the years to come. You might stumble over a good friend now and then somewhere else, but 99.9% of the time, it’s going to be in church.

6 Questions to Ask When Choosing Friends:

1. Do they motivate you to love God more?
2. Do they celebrate God’s blessings in your life?
3. Do they have your back?
4. Do they hold you accountable out of love and friendship?
5. Do they live what they believe?
6. Do they have the right ‘they’ in their lives?

Ask God for Wisdom When Choosing Friends:

You don’t just drift into relationships. You’re not accidentally s****d into the vortex of a connection with another person. We choose our friends, and we need to choose wisely.
Ask God for wisdom to show you if there are relationships you need to let go of. Think about the influence of others in your life.

What did THEY influence you to do that you would not have done if they hadn’t been around?
Also, think about what they’re doing. What do they really do? What are they about? What makes them tick?

And then, finally, where are they going? What roads are they taking in life? Where are they leading you? Because if you run with the crowd, the crowd will run you.

Don’t let yourself be influenced by friendships that don’t reflect the Christian morals, values, and goals you have for your life. Be intentional about choosing godly friends who will encourage you and grow with you in your faith. Church IS a great place to meet good friends!

Join us in person or online at Fellowship Church, where we connect and find new, positive Christian friends who build each other up in the faith.

#christianworldview #makingfriends #friendship

Choose | Fifty Shades of They | Pastor Ed Young
Choosing Friends With a Positive Influence
How To


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