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💚 Positive Actions 🍎 High School Weekly Virtual Lesson, Wk 25📚 KINDNESS🎨AMABILIDAD welcomes you to the Morgan County Partnership’s Weekly Positive Action HIGH SCHOOL Virtual Lesson! This week, we talk about the new Positive Value Word: KINDNESS and in Spanish, AMABILIDAD, as we learn all about our PHYSICAL, INTELLECTUAL, and EMOTIONAL WELLNESS.

Follow along a community street with LIFE VEST Productions and see how KINDNESS ripples throughout the community…like a Boomerang! Then, exercise your inner Role Model and do a Positive Action Activity with a younger sibling in your family or friend. Although we are masking for health and safety, let’s give away some SMILES for KINDNESS this week….you’ll see!

(video link is here:

Positive Actions to develop EMOTIONAL WELLNESS with that «good ole GOLDEN RULE» for KINDNESS are:

😍.CARE 🎸
🛠 Change the World 🌎

Providing evidence based curriculum for K-12 to promote positive actions, wellness, mental health, prevention, and positive choices leading to student achievement; for online, in the classroom, virtual/remote learning, and more! Talking about emotions and connecting with others is a positive action. Celebrating our uniqueness and build relationships based on our diversity!

Weekly Positive Actions are available for grades k-12!
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