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Positive Thinking And Positive Action

Dr Catherine Ngahu about the the power of combining positive thinking with positive action. she gives a story of a man who loved to talk about love and romance as a way of illustrating the value of matching positive thoughts with positive action. To elevate your fulfillment in life and achieve the success you desire, you need to match positive thinking with positive action. When we focus on positive thinking alone, and fail to act in line with the new thinking, we cannot find complete fulfillment or satisfaction.

If a person who wants to be a footballer proceeds to think positively about playing football but fails to find a place to practice football, he will be frustrated and unfulfilled. Its important to be positive but you need to move a step further to activate the power your positive thoughts.

To live happily and successfully, we need to, not only think positively, about something, but to also, take positive action about it. Dr Ngahu gives a story about how a mentor helped her get this balance of positive thinking with action when starting her business.

If we learn about a better way to live, we only gain from that knowledge if we start to change our ways, based on the new knowledge. While positive thinking is beneficial, it becomes totally empowering, when it causes us to take action, to change our lives. Knowledge without action is …….


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