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432Hz Miracle Healing Meditation ! Manifest Miracles Into Your Life ! Positive Energy Attraction

The word miracle’ is usually used to describe a positive, yet unlikely, event that improves yourlife in a positive way, without you actually making any effort. But in reality miracles only happen after being encouraged’ with our actions. This can be done by using visualization (or manifestation) meditation, positive visualization methods, and the law ofattraction. And it can all be done right before sleeping.

Visualization is the action of imagining the things you want the most actually happening to you. Manifestation occurs when something imagined becomes reality. Even though the two concepts are very different, in meditation practice they’re used interchangeably because they both have the same aim – make a dream come true. Both of them also use the same techniques and methods, all of which fall under one name – positive visualization. Simply put, it is asking the universe for what you want, rather than what you don’t want. Imaging good things happening, rather than bad things not happening. During this type of meditation practice, we don’t just want things, we see things.

Looking from the biological perspective, imagining the things we truly desire happen in real life increases serotonin levels in the brain, which is also known as the happiness hormone’ because it is the reason why we are able to feel happy. Happiness also reduces stress and anxiety, helping us relax. All these are extremely important for our health.

The main idea behind the Lawof Attraction is that you willattract into your lifewhatever you focus on. So if you focus on the positive, you will attract the positive. If you focus on the negative, you will attract the negative. Using positive visualization methods you stayfocused on the good and positivethings in your life. But for the Law ofAttraction to work, you also have to believe in it. If you don’t believe that it can actually work, your brain won’t either. It won’t record’ whatever it is that you dream about as something achievable, and it won’t start generating creative ways for you to achieve it.

The Law ofAttraction will only help you in the process. You will have to have a clear goal in mind that has specific qualities and lifestyle aspects linked to it. If you’re more skeptical, it’s a good idea to start with smaller goals that are closer in time and are stepping stones on the path towards your dream. During your Manifestation meditation, you will use positive visualization methods to imagine this goal. Since your brain can’t tell the difference between image and reality (like when you flinch at a scary movie even though the danger is not real), it will trick the mind to think the dream you imagine is real and achievable. Then, it will build your internal motivation and start coming up with creative ideas to help make it come true. This is the Law ofAttraction.

Sleep meditation music works in a similar way. While you sleep, the outside sounds still make their way into your brain, creating the images we call dreams (and nightmares). Sleep meditation music will make sure those sounds are positive and focused on manifesting your dreams. But whatever you choose to do, make sure to focus all of you on the miracle you desire: your thoughts, feelings and actions. Please read more on visualization meditation and the law of attraction meditation on our website here

🔊 Music Details:
Artist: Supernatural Brainwave Power

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📢 Playlist.
Miracle Meditation Music:
Deep Healing Sleep Music:
432 Hz Tuned Healing Music Meditation:
Super Visualization Meditation:


Our body is maintained at an unconscious level. Our inner self always tries to maintain our body’s balance and health but our beliefs always interfere. So “If you believe you can, you can”. Positive thinking, positive visualization and your hard work is the key to success with the law of attraction. My music helps you deepen your visualization or law of attraction meditation, helping you ground and connect with your inner power source (your subconscious mind).

All rights reserved. © Copyright of Supernatural Brainwave Power Ltd.

☛ Related hashtags:
#MeditationMusic #MiracleMeditation #HealingMusic


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