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Manifesting Positive Energy Boost ! Law Of Attraction, Ancient Healing Frequency, Meditation Music

One of the wonderful reasons why overall positivity, alongside positive thinking and actions, is of crucial importance is that it helps in raising your vibration, allowing you to fully sync with the desires you have. Positivity with its positive thoughts and beliefs are the powerful and mighty keys to the Law of Attraction, dictating emotional state about your intentions and desires.

In other words, all of these begin with your thoughts and beliefs.
How You Can Transform Negative Into Positive With Law Of Attraction

1.Focus On What You Desire
Never focus on what you want because they are the things which we don’t have. Remember that we always attract what we are instead of what we want. So focus on your desires to finally turn them into positive intentions. Write them down in the journal. Keep in mind that your intentions are very sacred so always treat them so.

2.Turn Problems Into Challenges
Eliminate the word problem from your vocabulary altogether or replace it with the word challenge. Because in life, we are gifted with both challenges and difficulties which, at the right time perceived in the right way, will transform into opportunities. In other words, good things can come from challenges as well.

3.Develop The Attitude Of Gratitude
What’s important about gratitude is that within its unique simpleness is a profound, deep truth. You stop feeling negative when you start thinking about all the things for which you are grateful in your life. So fill your mind with the thoughts of Thanksgiving.

4.Be In The Now
When you are loving, start focusing only on love. When you are writing, start focusing only on writing. When you are eating, start focusing only how the food tastes. Make sure to try enjoying each moment in your life. Why? Because this is your time so you need to make it special and worthwhile by living in the now instead of living somewhere in the future. Of course you can still practice some creative visualization, which is also a positive step to take, but remember to be in the present, in the now.

528 Hz Ancient Miracle Frequency:
The 528Hz is the ‘MIRACLE’ frequency of the Solfeggio musical scale. It is the frequency of love. 528Hz resolves to 5+2+8=15 which in turn equals to 6, and shows the entrance of transformation and miracles in your life. It was used by ancient people to cure people and spread health and longevity. It lifts the heart and helps us flow in harmony. Nature, in balance, resonates at 528Hz. You can read more about the solfeggio frequencies on our website here

🔊 Music Details:
Artist: Supernatural Brainwave Power

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📢 Recommended Playlist.
Law Of Attraction:
528 Hz Frequency Meditation Music:
Solfeggio Frequencies Miracle Tone:


Our body is maintained at an unconscious level. Our inner self always tries to maintain our body’s balance and health but our beliefs always interfere. So “If you believe you can, you can”. Positive thinking, positive visualization and your hard work is the key to success with the law of attraction. My music helps you deepen your visualization or law of attraction meditation, helping you ground and connect with your inner power source (your subconscious mind).

In this modern era, sound pollution has altered the natural frequency of each cells of our body; as a result, we suffer from mental and physical conditions, diseases, illnesses etc.

Sound awakes you, Sound changes your mood, Sound makes you happy, Sound relaxes you, now feel the power of sound to heal you and awaken you. Certain healing frequencies and rhythmic sound waves has the positive energy to heal the Body, Mind and Soul.

All rights reserved. © Copyright of Supernatural Brainwave Power Ltd.

☛ Related hashtags:
#MeditationMusic #HealingMusic #LawOfAttraction


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