Estilo de Vida

Karma explained – 1

In this video, Dada explains the basic mechanism behind the Universal Law of Cause and Effect. He makes a distinction between the commonly understood word “karma” (action) and the actual resultant effect of the karma known as samskara (the potential reaction which eventually expresses from the original action).

The universal law of Cause and Effect not only operates in the physical world but it also operates in the mental world. It helps to explain why certain things occur in our lives which we don’t understand why.

Dada explains how the function of the indirect will assists us to reap the consequences of actions which we have performed before as ordained by the Cosmic Law. He warns us that a proper reaction to the expression of the previous action is necessary if we are to break the unending chain of action and reaction.

Dada helps someone who may be enjoying the fruits of their good actions but cannot understand what more profoundly enjoyable experiences lie beyond the mere reactions of previous positive actions. That it is the characteristic of the mind to seek the state of unending happiness as is the nature of the consciousness within us.

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