Plant Positive Thoughts – Grow Positive Mindset ! Manifestation Positive Energy Sleep Meditation

Over thinking and worrying about both past and future choices has become a constant in our lives. Enters positive thinking, positive energy and the law of attraction.

From the dawn of time, every civilization on earth has recognized some form of energy, which surrounds and affect us. It was even posited that energy could be turned from negative to positive energy, and it is up to us to carry out that transformation.

The Law of Attraction:

Stemming from this ancient forms of wisdom, comes what is known as the «Law of Attraction» that states whatever energy we put out to the world, will be the energy that we will get in return. So using positive thinking to create positive energy can actually help us to better ourselves and our future. So, accordingly, if we can focus on positive thoughts we can create and nourish positive energy, just by simply controlling the thoughts running on our mind. Thinking positively will blossom positive energy flowing from us and then back to us again.

It would be folly to think that we can change from one day to the other, but there are many ways you can start planting positive energy around you. One of the best ways to start learning to do so, is through meditation. Learning to meditate can help you still your mind and live the present moment. Start by being on a calm environment, set some time and count your breath, each time you exhale and inhale. and practice will make perfect. Please read more on how to exactly do this from our website here

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Artist: Supernatural Brainwave Power

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Law Of Attraction:


Our body is maintained at an unconscious level. Our inner self always tries to maintain our body’s balance and health but our beliefs always interfere. So “If you believe you can, you can”. Positive thinking, positive visualization and your hard work is the key to success with the law of attraction. My music helps you deepen your visualization or law of attraction meditation, helping you ground and connect with your inner power source (your subconscious mind).

All rights reserved. © Copyright of Supernatural Brainwave Power Ltd.

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#MeditationMusic #ManifestMeditation #LawOfAttraction


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