Estilo de Vida

Healthy Feelings, Thoughts and Actions with Positive Solutions for Success

Mental Health and Wellness starts with learning how to have healthy thoughts, feelings and actions!

Definition of Wellness: The quality or state of being healthy in body and mind, especially as the result of deliberate effort.

Definition of Total Wellness: The state of being well in all aspects of one’s life. This includes one’s health (mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual), wealth (earning, saving, spending, and paying off debt), and having positive relationships filled with love, support, and teamwork.

What is more important in life than our health? Nothing!
By having a healthy, Positive Lifestyle, we will be able to be our best selves and experience our best life.

When we decide to proactively access more of our mental, physical, and emotional potential:

• We know that having healthy thoughts and feelings are our choice.
• Every day we make powerful decisions to act positively.
• We act and react with an open mindset. We are eager to learn new information.
• We experience more joy and success.
• We eat nutritious foods knowing that the purpose of food is to nurture our body.
• We are mindful about how we spend our time.
• We communicate with others with a constructive and positive dialogue.
• We begin and respond to our everyday tasks with kindness and gratitude.
• We are quick to replace negative thoughts with positive thoughts.

Our thoughts and actions define who we are. By making daily improvements, we can change who we are and how others see us. First, we examine how we feel about ourselves. When we have positive thoughts, we can become happier, healthier, and increase our self-confidence. If we are feeling angry, frustrated, depressed, or have anxiety, we can ask ourselves, “What can I do to make this situation better?” Then do it!

ACTION STEP: Create a proactive mental wellness plan that includes what you will do to improve your state of mind when you feel low. How will you raise your mental wellness?

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