
GOOD FOR BUSINESS Episode 5: The Fight For Financial Health

News about COVID-19 often underscores the financial inequality in certain communities. While many corporations have been focused on the immediate triage of the health crisis, one key area where they can help employees and their communities in the long term, is by improving their financial wellness.

Even if pressed into furloughs, layoffs, and pay cuts, employers have tools they can leverage to improve their employees’ financial wellness. On today’s show, guests will share the keys to looking beyond income to key indicators of financial resilience. Learn about:

How community financial resilience improves measurable metrics as wide-ranging as retention and truancy,

What managed income and expense volatility does for the economy and your consumer base,

Where employers can support their workforce and communities’ security; and,

How to plan ahead for the continued fall-out of high unemployment and financial insecurity


Ian Schafer, CEO, Kindred (@ischafer)


Jennifer Tescher, CEO, Financial Health Network (@jentescher)

Lata Reddy, SVP Diversity, Inclusion & Impact, Prudential; Chair, Prudential Foundation (@latareddy)
David Rolf, Founder and President Emeritus, SEIU 775 (@DavidMRolf)


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