Stardust Reflections | Positive Actions Affirmations | Manifest Desires | Stardust Trail #shorts

In this Stardust Reflections Positive Actions Affirmations to Manifest Desires, may you connect with the magic of your being in gratitude and with compassion for ALL that makes YOU alive, NOW. Utilize the Law of Attraction, leaving a Stardust Trail of Positive Energy in your wake! Become one with the pure creative energy YOU ARE. There is nothing that separates you from Source. Identify your heart’s desires! They are ever- connected to eternal wellsprings of Love and Life, they are here for you — your passion and desires… It’s up to you to pay loving attention to what it is you truly need and desire, There is a continual flow of awareness in Love and majesty available for you — vibrating at the level of your desires. You are made up of countless supernovas that exploded so you could BE. Every thought, each word spoken makes up your Universe, your very life story. Open up your heart and faith to allow that space to transmute the alchemy of your own POWER. and look at life from an ever-fresh perspective. YOU ARE powerful. YOU ARE empowered. YOU ARE loved.
Joelle – Stardust Reflections

#StardustReflections #positiveactions #affirmations #lawofattraction #shorts #manifestdesires #Stardusttrail

Created with Wondershare Filmora Technology
Best listened to with headphones 🎧
Music from Higher Mind Royalty Free Music

As always, you do what YOU feel is right for you, your body’ & your life by researching and using your intuition to determine what resonates.**The science is readily available for research purposes. In regard to sound healing, meditation & affirmations. These mindful practices have powerful, life changing properties. & it’s time wanderer to take control of the subconscious programming that is happening continuously and align yourself with Love, Health, Wealth, Confidence, Harmony and Connectivity.


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