Your thoughts arrive before you think about them.
Your thoughts are your auto pilot mind considering that which it deems most important to you, and passing them on to you for you to use as the template of your current reality. Assessed by the importance of your own evaluation system in the depths of your brain, up dated on a continual time line of feedback results of the previous actions.
Often time this will conflict with previously stored memories and habits and within here lies the confusion of conflicting information delivered through feelings to your current reality.
Don’t worry!
It is all about your survival and well being. However there is a mechanism where we can enter into this spiral of perception and alter the out come. That is by calming the mind and sitting and being present with what is not what you thing or judge is.
This process of continually sitting on a regular basis begins to change the importance rating of the messaging to your subconscious auto pilot. After a while it will take the sitting information more seriously , for you are continually reinforcing this message.Listen to the moment, be in the moment, be present to what is actually happening not what you think is happening.
This is a crucial step in becoming happy fulfilled and gaining the sense of being a whole person. For otherwise your deep evaluation criteria function of the brain will consider that the continual dubious in put of data from the media, computers , smart phone, apps, books newspapers TV radio etc will swamp any form of authentic creative being you will have. For this torrent of random and often prejudiced information skews the ‘fundamental evaluations’ you consider un consciously to be true and you will continue to act and react to the tune of these ‘truths’.
Ah, all I am saying is that to really be able to , or begin the journey to self realisation you need to be able to respond and choose rather than react and mindlessly do to whatever situation or thought you have.
And To do this we need to sit and clear the mind on purpose. As Jon Kabat-Zinn so aptly stated ‘Using your consciousness 100% focused in the present moment, no Judgementally’.
simple really
Keep practicing

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