3 Steps to Developing a Positive Attitude | #TomFerryShow Episode 45

As an independent contractor…someone who has to self motivate everyday to accomplish goals…how much time do you spend fighting self talk? You know, those times when you’re completely in your head about something regrettable you may have said or done. How much time are you spending in that head space rather than changing your negative thoughts into positive and focusing on what really matters most?

That’s what this episode is all about. Controlling your attitude to stay in the positive and focus on actions that align with your goals.

Think about a time when something didn’t go your way. Maybe you boarded a flight to find yourself in the middle seat or next to a crying infant. Did that put you in a bad mood? Your attitude is all about how you view the world. And, there are specific techniques that I teach to all of my clients, and personally practice, to be able to view any situation in a positive way and immediately change your state of mind.

When things don’t go as planned it’s easy to get in your head and start beating yourself up. This is a vicious downward spiral and a scary place that we’ve all been. So, how do we change this vicious cycle?

I have been on a journey to condition myself to align my behaviors to make sure that when things don’t go as planned … which happens OFTEN .. that I don’t let it get me down and I keep moving forward.
I hope you got some helpful tips and new ideas from this video. To ensure you don’t miss all my FREE training videos all you have to do is sign up here with your email

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