Positive People

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Positive people are the ones you should surround yourself with, but what if your lifelong friend is always negative? Should you break up with them?

In this video you’ll learn how and why it’s important to surround yourself with positive people. Sometimes it’s better to end a relationship with a negative person and find positive people to be around.
The late Jim Rohn said we are the average of the 5 people we spend the most time with, both positive people and negative. You get to choose who they are, and they should be positive people.
Allowing a friend to continue complaining to you over and over again is a negative pattern of your own that you need to take responsibility for changing.
Here’s a script you can use with a friend when it’s time for a break up so you can find more positive people to be around:
Look, I love you dearly and I want the best for you, but I have to be honest, hearing you complain non-stop is draining, it’s frustrating and makes me not want to spend time together.
I think you should hire a therapist to work through these issues because this negative pattern has been happening for years. I’m tired of seeing you in pain and I’m tired of hearing myself give you the same advice over and over.
We’ve known eachother since we were five, but if this is all this relationship is gonna be, let’s bless each other and go our separate ways.
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